

Pandemic Pasta

I’ve been struggling with finding the extra four to five hours that I’ve lost to distance learning and childcare. The kids (2nd and 5th grades) need me but how do I find time to nourish them with food? Out of necessity, I’ve generated a list of quick but kid-approved meals: 😋 The Influencer😋 The Dump […]

Crafts, Uncategorized

Daisy Scout hat of authority

[need photo of completed decorated hat] I’ve been very happy about the joy that Daisy Scouts has given Claire. Once a month, she’s surrounded by a wonderful group of girls. They’re all excited about learning about building character. Not very exciting, I know. The leaders and the Daisy Scout people masterfully present to really engage […]


Dinosaur dig for tots and tweens

Want a dinosaur-themed party to remember? Or perhaps you want to give your kids a taste of paleontology – from initial discovery to museum display? I came up with the idea for my daughter’s “Dinosaur Train”-themed birthday party. Fun was definitely the priority. Budget and time were also top considerations. I’ll fill you on some of […]